Dear Customer:


          Hello!We are so appreciate your trust and support to CHEX Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

          In order to constantly improve the customers’ satisfaction towards our products and service; we highly appreciate it if you can take about 5 minutes to share your feedback and suggestions by completing the following questions.
         Thank you so much!






Contact information

Company Name *

Date of Filling *
Field *

Contact Person *

Title *

Tel *

Email *





Quality of Product

1.Are you satisfied with the products’ quality and manufacture? *


2.Are you satisfied with the The stability of product quality for every order? *


3. Whether the order is delivered on schedule? *







1.Are you satisfied with the professionalism of salesman? *


2. Whether the salesman inform you about the lead time or the delay of delivery in time? *


3. Are you satisfied with our after-sales service? *






General Evaluation

1.Are you satisfied with the quality of our products? *


2. Are you satisfied with our service? *


3. In future projects, will you cooperate with CHEX? *


4. Will you recommend CHEX to your friends? *


Reason *





Your Precious Suggestions

In your opinion, which part of our products and service need to be improved? (Your Comments and Suggestions are very important to us) *
Do you have any evaluation or requirement for our company? (Your evaluation and requirements will help us to improve our service for you) *